The arts-and-crafters Silja Eggenschwiler and Sytze Roos investigate in the secret of the weaving: How can we weave the fabric on the machine so that the character is lively. How is it possible to connect the art and craft with the industry and although make a uniqueproduction with small number of meters, a very high quality in design and material. These are the most important questions of the team Sytze and Silja.

The computercontrolled loom makes it possible to think different in the design and productionproces. In the industry the ny technology uses to produce quickker and more efficient. But the label KESKUSTA see also a niche for the smallestproduction.

Together with the textileuniversity of Finland and different mills in Sweden the label KESKUSTA make industriel unikate.

Every design weaves only once. Only 10 – 20 meter long.
The fabric is a dobbelcloth, with a third warp some operate undependet of the machine. So then it is possible to use all kind off material in this 3th warp.
The 3th warp has an own live, and it makes the fabric exiting.

Silja and Sytze weave on the machine by themselves. During the production is it possible to intervene, to use new ideas, and to try out the possibility of the machine.
They communicate between the machine and their possibilities.
The same as in the designproces, to communicate between the computer and the loom.

The label KESKUSTA has an own collection for interieur and accessoires. Every year with different patterns and colors. The collection will be shown on fairs and exhibitions. The direkt contact with the user of the product makes it easier to design a new production and gives a good feedback of the design and the material.
Every year the selling of the collection makes it possible to design ny patterns, and continue the way to find the secret of the weaving.

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